Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Leaving for Mexico Tomorrow

I’m all packed, and excited to be flying out to San Antonio tomorrow. I’ll be setting aside my skinny jeans, putting on my work pants and boots, working long hours, and eating southern man food for the next 8 days. Please pray specifically and daily that I would be safe and healthy, especially from muscle strains and pulls.

The first team of 100 men has returned from their week, so now it’s time for our 70 man team to complete what they started. You can see what the first team did and follow my team for the next 8 days on the official blog at http://www.powerministry.org/blog.  My team will work January 22 – January 29. Our full itinerary is available on http://www.powerministry.com/itinerary.php?group=2, but here is a summary to post on your refrigerator:

Wednesday January 22
            Travel to Faith Mission International in Del Rio, TX

Thursday, January 23, Friday January 24
            Build houses & churches, minister in Acuna, Mexico
            Travel to McAllen, TX in the evening

Saturday, January 25
            Build additions to orphanage and Senior citizen dorm in Reynosa, Mexico

Sunday, January 26
            Worship at Alianza Cristiana, carnival at Refugio Orphanage

Monday, January 27
            Build additions to orphanage and Senior citizen dorm in Reynosa, Mexico
            Travel to Brownville, TX

Tuesday, January 28
            Fellowship with students at Magdiel Bible School
            Travel to San Antonio

Wednesday, January 29
            Travel to California

I’m not sure how much time and internet access I’ll have on the trip, so if I suddenly go silent during the trip, you can check on the official team blog and the official photo sites at https://www.facebook.com/groups/PowerMinistry.org and http://www.powerministry.org/slideshows. I don’t plan to send any emails during the actual trip, so if you'd like the latest status, you’ll want to subscribe to my personal blog on RickInMexico2014.blogspot.com and get email notifications when I update the blog, plus and I may also update my Facebook page. I’ll be sure to email a summary once I return.



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